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That's it. August is now over. An upon it's exit and the inevitable return of the month of September, the cold weather came in. Fitting. Anyways, we're getting ever-closer to the wire here. School is not far off. Mention of this singular fact has been plaguing my entries for the past few days now, and it only promises to intensify as we get closer to the 6th day (of the month). Very scary. But also intriguing... I got nothing else to say. -DarkDroid
Well, I'm back. Wonderland was awesome. Twelve hours of terror. Can't beat it. I'll likely have little time to get any content done today. So this is all you'll be seeing with the latest update. I promised first installments in the gaming and literature sections within a few days, hopefully this will still be the case, but nothing has been prepared as of yet. With one more stroke of time we see how ever-closer school is getting. I'm starting to get jittery over the whole thing. I just hope it all turns out alright. -DarkDroid
Hey, it's me again, and don't act surprised either. I'm going to Canada's Wonderland tomorrow with my buddies. Should be a blast. It's been a long summer. Lots of work, but I guess a reasonable dose of fun too. It could have been better but we're lucky that it wasn't alot worse. On September 6 I have to go get my schedule for school. College begins. Freaky. The site's launch date has obviously been pushed back much farther than I had anticipated, but with some more time and a little luck, things should pull themselves together before it gets extremely late. Anyways that's it for today, take care and catch ya later. -DarkDroid
![]() ![]() SUBJECT: YOU KNOW
Now I shake off another week of work, I look ahead to see my holidays on their deathbed. Life can be cruel. Anyway I made the solemn error of uploading recently without a post here on the entries board. FYI the last post ammended an issue long in need of resolution: automatic date script. Now no matter how long it's been since the last update, DDN will always display the proper date in the upper right-hand corner. Impressive, yes. The layout is nearly perfected, v. Beta 1.2 will be up soon, followed likely by release version 1.0. I can't wait. The other existing sections are now making use of the updated layout codes, so everything's cool at present. Over and out. -DarkDroid
![]() ![]() SUBJECT: YOU KNOW
Didn't think when I sat down at my computer that I'd end up staying on long enough to add an entry for the coming day. Funny how we're often wrong about these things. Anyways, I got a pain in the base of my skull towards the back, and I'm listening to Staind ("Open Your Eyes") on my headphones. I haven't modified the stylseheet, but that's because I haven't done anything pertinent to the site. An important milestone in DDN's creation occurred recently that I failed to mention previously. It is now live on the net in a subdirectory on my old IWA server. Yes we all know the IWA moved to www.vidkidproductions.net, but its old Geocities location is still kickin'. No point in linking to the secret online URL because if you're reading this you're already there. Bye for now. -DarkDroid
Woa. Spent most of the afternoon and evening (and now it appears early morning), working on the site. Once again no real content changes, but a heck of a lot was done for the layout. Much more sophisticated and fancy-looking now believe it or not. It may appear to have undergone minor changes only, but I assure you this was the outcome of hours of hairpulling and splitting. I'm going to rewrite the stylseheet for next update, I'm not sure I like how it's set up as far as indents. When that gets done then I'll focus on content. This time doing the layout first will likely save me trouble, because really at present I don't have a heck of a lot of code to go through for any overhauling. Ok, that's that. End Transmission. -DarkDroid
Hey everyone. I am rather tired. This long weekend, you know, the one they place in August to help balance out the summer vacation experience has been robbed from me. Yes, I must work EVERY day this weekend, leaving me some free time but not enough to do anything spectacular. Worked Saturday, will be at work about 12 hours from now, and will work on the holiday Monday. To top it off I am also working on the Tuesday. Ah well. That's life. Anyways, I don't have anything of note to say right now, except that currently I recommend the song "Orestes" by A Perfect Circle, very good tune. One of the wallpapers I designed was inspired by it, and it has sparked a lot of creative ideas for me. Peace out. -DarkDroid
Greets. Well I was looking into registering a domain name today, and the WORST thing happened. First of all everything was going good, the site I was using told me that the domain name I was looking to buy was still available. But of course, this had to be a REALLY special site, one that had to give me suggestions anyway. Now I know when generators like this one in question are designed, it's done with the goal of helping people in mind, but I have yet to come across anyone who was happy with the suggestions they were given. Yeah sometimes we all just say "to hell with it" and go with whatever they give us, but we always do it feeling slightly gyped, and reasonably annoyed. Case in point: NEVER go with ANY suggestion MSN Gaming Zone gives you when signing up for an account. Let's just say they can be a little far-fetched, when something like "HeavyDrinker" becomes so distorted and mangled by the name generator that it's almost perverse. Anyways I had to screenshot this webpage today, the suggestions are good for a laugh, I took the liberty of hi-lighting the bad ones, and a few horrible ones in particular. Click here to take a look. Later. -FluidTube (Name Courtesy "The Zone" Name Generator)
Damn, I can't believe it's August already. Time is moving much too quickly nowadays. Freaky. It's late and I'm basically five minutes from going to sleep. But I figured I'd add en entry for today, as I'm sure everyone's going to want to know what was going on during the offline developmental stages of the site. I showed VidKid a screenshot of the site a day or two ago, he said he liked it. He also just launched his new site at www.vidkidproductions.net. He has entered into a partnership with Demon Designs, another aspiring designer's conception. Who knows where this duo will take us next? I've been working on a very special premier review for DDN when it comes online, well actually two very special reviews, but that will remain a secret for now. Good night. -DarkDroid
Man it's been difficult as all hell finding the time to update every day. I've been disgustingly busy recently. But here I am, back in black, and here's what you've missed. This past weekend we had a surprise birthday party for my grandmother who is turning 75! Everything went off without a hitch, thankfully, and the gala event was hailed a major success. Yestderday we were supposed to get our band together for another practice (which would be the second of all time I believe), but unfortunately circumstances wouldn't allow it and it's been postponed (ARRGH). Well I'm off to do some more work on the site, cya. -DarkDroid
Downloaded Rock Machine by Copyright, good tune, good tune. Also in music I'd recommend the new Blink 182 album, nice. I just got back from an interesting outing at the mall with ma pals. It's always nice to run into people from highschool now that it's over, it's sort of comforting to know you can still see them every now and then, even if it's just at random. I'm making empty shell documents for all the pages I forsee myself starting work on soon, these include music, gaming (of which the first report will likely be of my exploits on Diablo II Expansion Battle.net), links, my about page, and also the artowrk section, which I hope to use as an excuse to experiment with all the graphics programs out there. Shouts to my friend VidKid who's gonna be the new host of the IWA site. Check everyone later. -DarkDroid
Greetings all. I went to pay my college fee today and got my student ID card and a locker. It was alright. Indeed it's a nice school. I am resting cause today I am not going to work! After the fiasco yestderday I figured I could use the break. Anyway I've been lookin all over for the right kind of date script to add to my page, but I can't seem to find one that works the way I had hoped. I almost found one but it fails to work with Netscape, and I wanted this site to support both IE and Netscape platforms. So if anyone knows of a good script I can use that works in both browsers, even if it needs some modification, please let me know. Ciao for now! -DarkDroid
Hey everyone, It's me. I've returned to working on my page after a few hectic days forcing me away from my duties here. Still lots to be done but it's already taking shape. Today I worked an extra half-hour trying to close the store. It was crazy, me and one other guy responsible for closing up the entire produce section, it wasn't pretty but here I am, at home, and it's all over (until the next time I'm in there...) [Shudder]. These are crazy times. Tomorrow I'm going in to submit my money and everything for college. It's a wierd feeling but I'm sure I'll enjoy these years. Well that's it for now, back to work on the site! -DarkDroid
Yeah so I woke up about an hour ago, it's nice to sleep in every now and then, but I must go in to work this afternoon. Ah well, what're ya gonna do? I figure the more daily updates the better as far as getting this site started up so I'm taking a few minutes here to say hey and what's up, not much to say so far, today'll likely be uneventful. Until tomorrow friends! -DarkDroid
Greetings and welcome to DarkDroid Net, a site I decided to make for my own enjoyment, a place where I can spout off about anything if I ever feel so inclined, but mostly a site I can share with friends and future colleagues, a more personal publication compared to some of my other projects. This is the beginning of what will be known as my daily journal. Right now it's relaitvely empty, a blank page, but it will soon be brought to life with my many colourful reports of the day. To the left you'll see a little feature I added, pretty sweet eh? Anyways that's it for now, I'll slowly work at bringing the other sections of my site online. -DarkDroid
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