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Hi there. I made a new wallpaper which I will hopefully be adding over the course of the weekend. I'm doing well here near the end of the semester, things are winding down and the holidays are just around the corner. I'll look into adding a Christmas motif to the site, yeah, that'd be neat. I think I'll be working most of the holidays, but that's alright, I could use the money. the site still hasn't been added to Yahoo!'s "Grande Liste", I'm hoping they'll get back to me sometime in the near future. I'd enjoy the new site traffic it would bring. Anyways bye for now. -DarkDroid
Hey. I'm probably going to have to take yet another minor leave of absence as exam week approaches. I have 4 exams (1 practical) to prepare for, and the first one is two Mondays from now. I'm also going to be busy this weekend as my birthday is on the Sunday. So I'll need as much free time as I can get to study and such. Expect little to be changed in any subsection of the site. Also I realise that I currently get maybe 10 visitors a month, but I'm not going to let that keep me from acting as if these little blurbs are important. So long for now! -DarkDroid
Greets. I updated Wallpapers for you, two new works featured. I will try and add other stuff later, maybe on the weekend or possibly during the next week. Semester 1 is winding down, only 14 days left till last day! I am turning 19 in a few weeks, which is neat. I have some homework to do so I'd better go now. Like I'm gonna finish it anyway. Catch you all later. Sign my Guestbook! -DarkDroid
Hey, my exam went well thankfully. Since then I've been both tired and busy so I've missed a few days here. Anyways I'm gonna be comin' back at ya with two new wallpapers in a day or so, and I'm going to try to continue with PHASE 2 when the time presents itself to do so. I've come to the conclusion that Matthew Good Band is maybe one of the best bands to come around this quarter-century at the least. They are amazing. I'm not sure if I've even listened to a non-mgb album within the past 48 hours. Ah well, it suits me fine right now anyway. I'll be back in a day or so, maybe earlier. -DarkDroid
Hey, I wasn't supposed to update anything today, I got an exam to prepare for, but I wanted to put up my newest wallpaper, "Outer-Depths". It's in the Wallpapers section for obvious reasons, if you're interested in seeing it. I got to meet Econoline Crush last Thursday night, which was great. Even got a signed poster. I lucked out there. Anyways remember, if you turn to the brightest star for inspiration, look no further; to face the sun is to face within, not without. On that note, good day and God bless. -DarkDroid
![]() ![]() SUBJECT: YO-YO WASSUP?
Shouts to my good friend who's 19th Birthday was yestderday. Good times have already, and will continue to ensue, for sooth! I am up late, and I will pay for it later. I got an exam on Tuesday so no updates for a few days. I started Phase 2, the Music section has been updated. Look at it if you want, it's basically just some introductory stuff, but it does outline clearly what plans I have for the section. I have upgraded DarkDroid Net from Beta 1.1 to Release Version 1.0 - and it's about damn time I should say. The site has proven quite stable over the months, so I'm quite happy. New information on the About page, to help newcomers. That's it, catch ya later. -DarkDroid
Hi. Well I checked Yahoo! today and lo and behold the site hasn't been added to their extensive archive of web addresses. It's okay, they get thousands upon thousands of submissions a day and it may still take a while for DDN to get thrown into the mix with the rest. Worse than that though was what results DID come up when I typed "darkdroid" into the search field. There is a Star Craft fan site dedicated to custom game maps and scenarios where there is someone who goes by that name "DarkDroid". This person is not me, and in fact he may have stolen the name from me because I play Star Craft online under this name. Anyways I gotta go, Notepad is continuously giving me warnings about low memory. NOTEPAD! -DarkDroid
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Hey again. It's me. I'm probably not going to have much in the way of new stuff added this week, simply because it is early Monday afternoon and I am completely wiped. If trends continue I am going to have near zero energy at the end of the day to update the site. I might do what I'm doing today, which is posting a brief message, but don't expect any new wallpapers or any new additions to Music or Literature. I could end up doing something but as it stands right now probably not. The new Matthew Good Band album is really quite good and I'd recommend it, new Tea Party is also good. -DarkDroid
Hello everyone. Long week finally put to rest. A week of worsts, a week of bests. A week to question, a week to tell, a week from heaven, a week from hell. One for the sick to parish and the strong to strain, for the afflicted's bliss, and the invincible's pain. A week for all and a week for none, a week to accept, a week to shun. No matter what this week is ours, it reflects our actions, it's in the stars. Next week will come for us to take, and become what it will as we choose to make. -DarkDroid
So I came back after all. I added a new wallpaper today, called "Liquid-Psyche". Go check it out in the Wallpapers section, it's a pretty neat one. Also I'm beginning what will be called "PHASE 2" - the implementation of the new sections Music and Literature. It may take a few weeks to get them up to par, but I'll try my best to do it as quickly and carefully as possible. Also people, please sign my guestbook, I know it took me a while to finally get one but it's up now. Anyways I'm off to finish one or two things before upload. -DarkDroid
Yeah just missed the Hallowe'en update by half an hour. Ah well. Anyways nothing of note today, my house survived the onslaught of kids, (it usually does, I just like to exaggerate for the entertainment value). Also I Just wanted to say that it's all good. Yeah that's right. I can do that if I so choose. Anyways I will attempt to begin work on another section of the site if time permits within the next week or so. It may be the music section or the literature section, but seeing as I have little material from either of these it will likely be a bit of both. Have a good day people, I may be back later tonight (seeing as it's early morning right now) to give another update. See ya. -DarkDroid
Yeah so I hear it's Devil's Night tonight. I'm updating the site now so that I can have the rest of the evening to guard my house from the crazy hoodlums that live on my street. Last year it wasn't pretty. Lotta egg and T/P and even pumkin left strewn about my entire block and parts of the city at large. Hallowe'en will be just about as bad, not at first, but after the smaller trick-or-treaters go home it'll start. I gotta go find my super-soaker, and coincidently I also have to find a large quantity of Tobasco-sauce. -DarkDroid
Hey, I just got back from classes. SLOW day. Ah well, these things happen. Anyways I just wanna say that I took an opportunity today to check the site at 800x600 and it looks like it's completely compatible with this resolution. I mainly designed this site at 1024x768, but I was careful to make sure it was arranged in a way that wouldn't mess everything up if the screen res was lowered. Lucky break that it all handles well, including the newest edition, the Wallpapers Section. Other than that I just wanna wish everyone well and I'll be trying to keep this site more up-to-date than I have in the past. See you later. -DarkDroid
Hey everyone! I finished it. The Artwork section now has a fully-functioning wallpaper section. My entire collection is there for download. Please come and download the ones you like. Took a few hours today to set it all up, but I actually did this within the alotted time I had set up for myself here. Okay, I don't want to waste too much time chatting, I'm going to update everything right now. CYA later! -DarkDroid
Hey, I'm back for the second time today. Just wanna say that I've prepared all the thumbnail images for the wallpapers now which means I'm one more step closer to getting the art section up. Other than that I messed around with this main page's spacing for cosmetic reasons, now it looks a bit less cluttered. That's really all I have to say. -DarkDroid
Hey all, take a look around at least at this main page and you can see that I've actually moved a muscle as far as adding to the site. Pretty crazy eh? I know, I'm scared too... Seriously though, The navigation system is complete. You can now easily move from page to page using the nav menu across the top of every section. What you've read in the left margin is true; the artwork section should be ready within a very short while, it's just a matter of laying the page out in code now. Soon you'll all be able to download DDN wallpapers. Pretty cool eh? Well, until next post! -DarkDroid
Hehehe. It's funny how long ago I posted the last message and it didn't even get uploaded till now. Okay I MAY have been guilty of gross understatement when I said college life is hectic. Exam times are InSaNe, plus there's so much more in the way of distractions... Anyways here we are at our new home at Tripod! I for one am glad the move was made. It'll be better for all of us I'm sure. Okay, well, There's been absolutely NOTHING done on this site for the longest time. I'm going to try and get it up to speed, for real this time. I don't blame you if you don't believe me, I'm not sure I believe myself. Okay well time to upload! Oh crap! I just realized I'm still in the BETA phase here?!? UGH... P.S. The Guestbook is up! -DarkDroid
Hey! What's up? Yeah I know, what a shock, I'm back after a very long hietas. College life has been fun but slightly hectic, I no longer am holding down 2 jobs but it still proves challenging. As of now I am still at geocities in this private location but by the time this is uploaded the site MAY be moved to tripod. From there I'll try and find a good place to store the site for good, I'll be spending the next little while trying to fit a domain name and server-space fee into my budget. I do hope to get a home URL for DarkDroid Net, someday. Well that's that. I'll be seeing ya. -DarkDroid
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